Back In Africa series Phillipe Gaudin and Jean-Daniel Chagall

Jean-Daniel Chagall and Phillipe Gaudin -This installment of the Back in Africa series is a steamy sex scene with Phillipe and Jean-Daniel. Take the free tour and see Jean-Daniel Chagall and Phillipe Gaudin naked, hard and shooting their loads now!

The Making of Angels

Throughout the Kinky Angels series, we are being shown how these beautiful beyond belief boys were transformed into stars, or better yet, erotic angels. They make it look so very simple but in reality it takes hard work, perseverance on everyone’s part, and a lot of nurturing care.As fans, do we play a role? In… Continue reading The Making of Angels

Noah Aniston and Tim Hamilton: A Special Passion Play gallery

I meant to have included images from this scene in the last Passion Play gallery I posted, but it got mistakenly overlooked….my VERY BIG BAD! But I plan on remedying the situation now. This scene was an unreleased web episode produced around the 2007 or later time period. As it would happen, Tim would be… Continue reading Noah Aniston and Tim Hamilton: A Special Passion Play gallery

Back In Africa Sightseeing and Fucking

Phillipe Gaudin and Kevin Warhol -This installment of BelAmiOnline’s reality series Back In Africa is a documentary that features an interesting mix of sightseeing and sex! Watching Phillipe and Kevin fooling around in the back seat of the van got me thinking- the thought of pulling down the privacy window shields never remotely occurred to them…..I bet the passers by got a real eye full! Take the free tour and see Phillipe Gaudin and Kevin Warhol naked, hard and shooting their loads now!

Back In Africa series Morning Routines, Parties and Getting It On

Ariel Vanean and Jean-Daniel Chagall -In this installment of BelAmiOnline’s reality series, Back In Africa , we get to learn a little about Julien’s morning routine: breakfast, gym and jerking off. The boys then show us what they have ready for a costume party while Ariel and Jean-Daniel are busy getting it on in one of the bedrooms.

Friends and Lovers

It really is true: that best friends do make the best lovers. For who really does know your heart the best than the one closest to you, the one that had your heart from the beginning, even if that happened to be within a slightly different context, initially. As it so often happens, what starts… Continue reading Friends and Lovers

Luke and Todd in the Love Shack

In a much earlier post, you’ve seen these images already. It wasn’t until a few months ago that I worked on the mash-up of this scene and now, FINALLY I get around to sharing this one. As I’ve stated in that earlier post, it’s been a while since we saw these two together in a… Continue reading Luke and Todd in the Love Shack

Two Angels in Tender Battle

Not necessarily a battle royale, mind you. But one of tender, L’Amour. Or we’ll just settle for Lust…. I’ve always enjoyed watching Ariel Vanean because of his fun-loving and easy-going, seemingly down-to-earth personality. This will always transfer to his partners feeling at ease around him, which will always result in a hot scene. When he’s… Continue reading Two Angels in Tender Battle

Ariel and Todd- couple gallery set

This came as a very pleasant surprise this morning. I think the guys at Bel Ami must know how much I love these couple photo gallery sets, and this mouth-watering one with my long time faves, Ariel Vanean and Todd Rosset is no exception. And the job of choosing which ones to post, proved very… Continue reading Ariel and Todd- couple gallery set

Harris Hilton and Erik Bouna-BAOL Update

How’s this for a romantic scene? In making this scene, it didn’t take much convincing to get Harris to jump at the idea of filming with Erik. There has always been a spark between them and so shooting this episode was almost effortless. Rather than talk their way through the beginning, they jumped straight in… Continue reading Harris Hilton and Erik Bouna-BAOL Update