The Making of Angels

Throughout the Kinky Angels series, we are being shown how these beautiful beyond belief boys were transformed into stars, or better yet, erotic angels. They make it look so very simple but in reality it takes hard work, perseverance on everyone’s part, and a lot of nurturing care.As fans, do we play a role? In a small way, yes, and no less an important part of the process. We get to see some of the casting videos and we have an opportunity to comment on who we like the best. But it’s Papa George who will have the final say. A few months ago a very cute, spritely lad with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes graced Bel Ami with his presence, quite determined to show everyone what he could do.

He surprised everyone with his spunk, his willingness to please and his overall presence in front of the camera. If there was one thing this new darling wasn’t, was camera shy. Quite on the contrary, he seemed to love to flirt with it. He delighted all of us and all the comments on Bel Ami’s site and in the Forum were to the effect: “Keep him!” and “Don’t let him get away!” Well, as it would happen, our pleas have been considered and answered. And Jaco Van Sant will be here to stay.

So sweet and cute. What more could anyone ask for? 🙂

I was even excited to find out that there is the very real possibility he will be gracing us in one of the final episodes in the last issue of Kinky Angels, where Kevin Warhol seems to have played an active role in breaking in Bel Ami’s ‘new recruits’. The other Kinky Angel contingency have also been bringing in their friends to join their ranks. So, it won’t be much longer when the newest generation of Bel Ami stars will be ready. Ready to take their places along side all the ones that have come before them; to walk in the footprints of their older brethren. And new legends will be born.

All images remain the sole property of Bel Ami Entertainment and George Duroy and no copyright infringement is intended.