Getting to know Brady

My little Bella-Girl is calling me merciless! 
When I showed her a few images of Brady from his interview earlier this month, she coyly asked: “So, is there more? You’re such a tease!” Oh, is there ever! And oh, YES, am I ever the biggest cock-teaser on the planet!

Brady Jensen is the first of a whole bunch of new sexy American exclusive models that have been enlisted into the Bel Ami Army. This month at, we’ve been getting to know this sexy blonde lad and today you get to watch him in his first photo shoot and solo video!

Interspersed within a few of the images from his pin-up set, you will notice some ‘extreme close-ups’. Body maps are a new added photo feature on where you’ll be given a more intimate view of these already sexy Adonises. It surely doesn’t get any better than this: up close, oh, so very personal!

All images and video clips remain the sole property of Bel Ami Entertainment and no copyright infringement is intended.