You’re My Carousel

I must admit. I fall in love a lot. Every Bel Ami film/scene I watch, there is always a chance of someone striking my fancy. Yet even I have my constants- the ones that will always capture my heart and leave my soul forever enraptured.

Ethan Clarke is one of my constants, and he will forever walk in my soul. I don’t have words enough to adequately describe my feelings, for they become lost to me somehow. And like any of my school girl crushes, I burst into tears to try and find the words. So I will let this  gallery do my speaking for me. He’s truly very special and although he hasn’t filmed for Bel Ami in many moons, he will be cherished forever for his fiery, passionate sexual energy, sweet smile and unique beauty.

Images remain the sole property of Bel Ami Entertainment and no copyright infringement is intended.