Florian Nemec

Florian Nemec -“Nemec” is a German surname, and George Duroy thinks “Florian” is rather funny, but he can’t recall how they were applied to our boy. Florian is Hungarian and his pleasant, outgoing personality reminds George of Luke Hamill. In fact, he performs the same job as Luke in Bel Ami’s office in Budapest. He prepares the models and makes sure they are ready for filming, and has proven himself indispensable as Bel Ami prepares for its newest generation of models from Hungary. George says Florian came from a troubled family and had to take care of himself from an early age. As a result, he is very independent and reliable. “Florian is very likable and easygoing, and also an archetypical top. I don’t see him bottoming for the time being. He creates a good atmosphere for the new models. They like working with him and he leaves a positive impression with them as they come into the company.”
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Florian Nemec