The Beauty of the Bel Ami Male 15-Jason Paradis

At the risk of hyperbole, I really have to say that there is absolutely no shortage of beauty at! And this week, just as their current production team in Cape Town starts to wind down to completion, they take us back there again with the beautiful stud, Jason Paradis. This week’s Pin Up set was photographed in the mid-2000’s by BelAmi’s master photographer, Marty Stevens.

For this edition of the Beauty of the Bel Ami Male, I present a few images from Jason’s past photo sets before showing you some selections from his latest one. I fell for him the moment I saw him with his scene from Cover Boys (2005) where he bottomed for my very early Bel Ami crush, Lukas Ridgeston. I have to say, Jason was well-named! He is Paradise!

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All images remain the sole property of Bel Ami Entertainment and no copyright infringement is intended.